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Jensen talked later at Paley 2006 about his first audition for Sam and meeting Jared:
They had originally brought me in for the role of Sam and I knew David Nutter very well, I’d worked on testing for a number of pilots before that. So I felt very comfortable with him and his recommendation from him for me to come in and he felt very comfortable with me. And I had a conversation on the phone with him about it, he gave me a spiel about Sam and then I read the sсript and I thought, “What about Dean? I like Dean. He’s funny.” But I studied for Sam and I went in there and…actually I kinda studied for Dean a little bit too just in case. But I went in and read for Sam. Then went home that evening and got a call and they said, “Well, uh, there’s this guy, Jared Pada-pada-something and they’re really liking him for one of the brothers” and I’m like, “Okay” so I look him up online and…
Jared: He thought I was hot.
Jensen: I thought, “This guy is smoking hot! I can’t play his brother!” And then they said, “They’d like you to come and read for Dean.” (later when they went in to read in front of the network) Yeah, that was the first time we’d actually met.
Jared about meeting Jensen at Nerd HQ Panel 2011:
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