Некоторых людей следовало бы рожать над пропастью в Спарте.
от adriroze1202
Super excited that I got to meet these guys, they were so down to earth and it was worth waiting an hour after my shift was over. They were actually surprised I stayed. Lol
#supernatural #fangirlmoment #cherryontopofmyValentinesDay #thankyou #2016 #fbolife #bejealous
Super excited that I got to meet these guys, they were so down to earth and it was worth waiting an hour after my shift was over. They were actually surprised I stayed. Lol
#supernatural #fangirlmoment #cherryontopofmyValentinesDay #thankyou #2016 #fbolife #bejealous
Пересказ: Девушке пришлось ждать этих красавцев целый час после своей работы, чтобы сфоткаться, но оно того стоило)))
*еще мордень замазать одну на толстовке и ОК)))))*